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Jordan Non-Olympic Online University


E-learning Methodology can be defined as the use of computer and Internet technologies to deliver a broad array of solutions to enable learning and improve performance. Many organizations and institutions are using e-learning because it can be as effective as traditional training at a lower cost.

Developing e-learning is more expensive than preparing classroom materials and training the trainers, especially if multimedia or highly interactive methods are used. However, delivery costs for e-learning (including costs of web servers and technical support) are considerably lower than those for classroom facilities, instructor time, participants’ travel and job time lost to attend classroom sessions.

Moreover, e-learning reaches a wider target audience by engaging learners who have difficulty attending conventional classroom training because they are:

  1. Geographically dispersed with limited time and/or resources to travel;
  2. Busy with work or family commitments which do not allow them to attend courses on specific dates with a fixed schedule;
  3. Located in conflict and post-conflict areas and restricted in their mobility because of security reasons;
  4. Limited from participating in classroom sessions because of cultural or religious beliefs;
  5. Facing difficulties with real-time communication (e.g. foreign language learners or very shy learners).

E-learning can offer effective instructional methods, such as practising with associated feedback, combining collaboration activities with self-paced study, personalizing learning paths based on learners’ needs and using simulation and games. Further, all learners receive the same quality of instruction because there is no dependence on a specific instructor. So, INOU adopted the E-Learning methodology and implemented easiest form online examination which helps all students internationally.

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